Quick Bites of Fright

QUIBI Halloween

In their final advertising campaign, Quibi sought branding and promotion for their Halloween collection, "Quick Bites of Fright." This is the first pitch I won with my current partner, Katie, with whom I also served as creative lead.

While Quibi shut down before the campaign was even complete, we got a lot of great interactions and caused a stir online. Read on to find out what Seth Rogan thought!

Given Quibi’s not so great standing in pop culture we wanted to create a campaign that would stand apart from their other ads, so we took a cheekier and sometimes self-aware stance with the creative. We played up puns and a campy visual approach to ensure the campaign never got too serious, nodding at Quibi’s unique selling point while still highlighting the scare factor of their new shows.

Screen Shot 2021-04-26 at 9.47.56 PM.png

Influencer... Toilet Paper?

That's right! During the 2020 toilet paper shortage, we sent influencers specialty wrapped TP to stir up interest (and hint at use case for the max-10-minute content).

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Quibi_TP_COMP copy.jpg

The Controversy

We developed numerous web, email, notifications and in-app assets for this campaign, some of which even began to give a self-aware wink at Quibi's reputation. There was one email targeting Quibi's lapsed users, however, that made quite the splash.


Social Buzz

Twitter went NUTS! We got replies from folks from copywriters to celebs. They were split between positive and negative, but the email was referenced for weeks after it was even sent, making it the most memorable newsletter of my career.


Instagram Stickers:

No campaign is complete without a few instagram stickers!

My Role: Art Direction

Katie Stone
Designer: Erik Campay

Agency: Doner LA